Our History

November 8, 1949: Montrose Assembly of God was organized with 15 members. Under the direction of the founding pastor, the church grew and needed larger facilities. Lots at 106 SE 2nd St. were purchased and new facilities were built.
July 2, 1950: the first service in the new buildings was held and the name changed to Southside Assembly of God.
In 1953 a church split occurred, creating a second church, Glad Tidings Worship Center located at 301 SE 9th St. in Plainview Texas. Both churches flourished for some time but began to struggle maintain membership.
A faithful few in each church congregation sustained through difficult times until 2008, when their pastors remained and began building up the congregation.
In 2012 the pastor from Glad Tidings Worship Center moved on to another ministry and the churches merged creating United Assembly of God, located at 301 SE 9th St. The 106 SE 2nd St. location was subsequently sold.